Every Right for Every Child
To endeavour to protect and promote all the inherent and indivisible rights of children whoever and wherever they are.
To achieve and to consolidate the rightful position of children in general to the benefits and services to which they are entitled as children, and to a healthy and safe environment which is their due as human beings;
To endeavor to protect, maintain and develop children’s inherent right to peaceful existence and quality of life to which they are entitled;
To sensitize civil society and the authorities on child rights;
To carry out statistical research and research in social sciences relevant to children and their families;
To secure the effective use of the legal process to remedy children’s grievances
4606, 6th Floor, High Point IV, Palace Rd., Bangalore 560001
Phone: 080-22201098 Fax: 40912580 Email: childrightstrust@gmail.com crtindia@yahoo.co.in
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